Wellbeing during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
Ref. Number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000031558

Well-19 Project
Well-19 is an European Co-funded Project which aim is to encourage the school education system in the promotion of psychological support services for school students and teachers.
This project aims to disseminate innovations and adaptations in research, training and practice that help to inform and advance the educational field during and after COVID-19 pandemic.
We designed the project «Wellbeing During COVID‐19 Pandemic and Beyond» in order to encourage the school education system in the promotion of psychological support services for school students and teachers.
With this project we aim to disseminate innovations and adaptations in research, training, and practice that help to inform and advance the educational field during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project includes three innovative intellectual outputs translated into nine languages.
O1. MANUAL CAPABILITY AND EXPERTISE for school teachers. 200 pages document designed to determine competences, roles, responsibility, and guidelines for the measurement of the psychological impact of the profession, explained according to ECVET terminology and EQF qualification.
O2. OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES of video lectures for teachers. An online platform including 400 minutes of videolectures for the training of school psychologists and a network of school psychologists for the performance of projects and
activities of online psychological support across Europe.
O3. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS for school teachers. A 80 pages document including policy recommendation and transnational analysis of existing policies for the inclusion of psychologists at school and performance of support actions toward students, families and teachers.
The target groups of our project are: school psychologists, teachers, school students, school directors, policy makers and families.
Project Results
Take a look here at our Project Results
Manual Capability and Expertise for School Teachers
Manual for the promotion of regulation and inclusion of school psychologists at European level and the recognition of activities, responsibilities and functionalities.
Open Educational Resources of Video Lecturers for Teachers
Online platform including a dedicated training for psychologists wanting to work in the school education system. Updated to work efficiently at distance in order to provide a promp response to COVID-19 and future crisis.
Policy Recommendations for School Teachers
This is a document promoting the regulation and inclusion of school psychologists at European level and the recognition of activities, responsibilities and functionalities of this group within the educational field. It also includes a comparison of the 8 countries participating in the project.
News about the project
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Newsletter 1
Newsletter 2
Newsletter 3
Newsletter 4
About Us
Meet the partnership
AIJU - Technological Institute of Childern Products and Leisure
Alicante, Spain
OSB - Osnovna Sola Brezice
Veliky Novgorod, Russia
25OU - 25 Dr Petar Beron Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria
AFN - Academia Formaçao do Norte
Porto, Portugal
iTEACH - International Training and Learning School
Istambul, Turkey
Veliky Novgorod, Russia
EILD - European Institute for Local Development
Thessaloniki, Greece
Braila, Romania
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